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Soul Reader®
The original.
more space, more peace & more ease  

About the
Soul Reader® method

I developed this method to make quick, powerful, yet gentle changes in life and in one's feelings towards painful situations. I developed this method for myself and because it is so effective, I made it available to others as well. Everyone, without exception, who has gone through my program feels permanently more liberated, happier. I don't have any special talents, I just have special interests that led me to look deeply into this subject and work with it in a practical way.

The Soul Reader® method is a mixture of different disciplines. I work with the latest findings on neuroplasticity, also I give my students various mental techniques from psychology and during the sessions they experience alpha and theta frequencies, which they will be able to create on their own by themselves when needed.  Hypnosis experts work with these frequences to gain a state of relaxation where we can reach the unconscious roots for a problem. In addition, I use the "morphic fields". The "morphic field" is a term coined by biologist Rupert Sheldrake, but there are various terms for the usage of this phenomenon. The US military uses it and calls it "remote viewing". It is also called "Extra Sensory Perception" (ESP) or "Morphic Field Reading".  I believe that this ability of deeper sensing is not only inherent in animals, but in every human being and this "muscle" is usually just not trained to use it effectively.


This method is for everyone. It is physics!

This method is not esoteric. No Fortune-telling. No psychic. Not grounded on a religious belief. This method cannot be labelled. All you need is a little readiness without predjudice, because this method is 

groundbreaking innovative.and a weird beauty.

This method has nothing to do with secret esoteric circles, nothing to do with fortune telling and has little to do with visualizations. It is an innovative method that requires you to believe in absolutely nothing. All it takes is a bit of curiosity, willingness and readiness for change. You need to be ready to open up for the unknown. For myself, the method is a mixture between physics, philosophy and fun  magic.

Nasses Gras

How it works

How to use the Soul Reader® Infos

This work neither replaces a doctor's visit nor constitutes a form of psychotherapeutic treatment.

I do not treat psychological disorders; instead, I open unknown new doors to self-development, self-awareness, and self-empowerment for healthy people who are in the midst of their lives.

New neural pathways are consciously formed with a concrete, customized, and previously jointly developed implementation plan in combination with the step-by-step recipe from the morphic field. Participants learn to enter Theta and Alpha frequencies. These are relaxed states of consciousness, making alignment easier and changes undramatic and very gentle.

How it works: I am sensing deep inside your current energy structure, while you are relaxed and quiet. I rtell you about what I can see. Every reading will be recorded. These recordings contain practical assignments that work like a recipe/manual. As soon as you dedicate yourself to the homework , you will experience a little shift and when you completed them, you will experience an undeniable big shift, automatically later on. It is a natural consequence and the change happens automatically. So only concentrate on the homework The tasks are always very practical and sometimes need some courage. Simple, but not always easy. Albert EInstein said: “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”The Soul Reader® method is the practical answer to what Einstein said.

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